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Wax foundations save time and effort

Wax foundations save time and effort

Professional beekeeping is a collaboration between man and bee. Bees give us the sweet fruits of their labour, while we support their efforts in every way we can. One way to aid them in their work is to place wax foundations in the hive frames, so that the bees have an easier time of constructing cells and save some of their energy for other tasks. This post is all about what every beekeeper needs to know about wax foundations.
The wax foundation – a warehouse of wax

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Photo by Alex Tarakanov

If you think that bees simply add more wax to the wax foundations you’ve provided them with to build honeycomb cells – well, you’ve got the wrong impression. An experiment was once conducted with a foundation of green wax. It turned out that the bees recycle the wax from the foundation itself to build the honeycomb, only using minimal amounts of wax produced by their own selves. Bees only need to make about 30% of the wax themselves, while the remaining 70% they repurpose from the wax foundation. So, if we really want to save our bees’ time and effort, we should be using quality wax foundations.
Quality foundations – not for the convenience of the beekeeper
Today, the market offers a myriad of wax foundation products. Unfortunately, not all of them qualify as high-quality products because they can’t effectively be repurposed by the bee colony. The most frequently occurring additive is paraffin wax. Real wax foundations are very brittle (especially in colder weather), and cutting them or placing them in a frame can be a real challenge. In order to understand the main difference between natural wax and paraffin wax, try pouring a little bit of one and the other in as thin a layer as possible on the surface of a table. Which substance do you think will be easier to remove? Real wax will simply crumble.  Wax foundations that are this fragile are made of one hundred percent beeswax... A foundation that has a high paraffin content is much more fun for the beekeeper: it’s bendy and easy to tailor. However, for the bees, it’s not much of a help because they can’t work the paraffin wax, which means that they’ll have to make their honeycomb entirely out of wax they make themselves.
Quality foundations accelerate nectar gathering and colony development
          If wax foundations contain additives, bees will waste substantial amounts of time on honeycomb construction, delaying their nectar gathering activity and the development of the entire colony. Whereas with real wax foundations, their honeycomb building is done in no time and they can begin bringing nectar in without further delay. The best option is to have your wax foundations made by craftsmen you know well and can rely on – and only from your own wax. This way, you’ll get the best possible quality and also protect your colonies from the diseases that sometimes come with wax.
Quality wax foundations that are placed in a timely manner will not only help the bees, but also the beekeeper by ensuring the welfare of the bee colony. gerovę.



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